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Overlay Object

Overlay Object describes an overlay. Overlay id is determined by its position in the overlays array:

// Pane Object
    overlays: [
        {}, // Overlay #0
        {}, // Overlay #1
        {}, // Overlay #2
        // ...


means that it's expected that the library can change the property. But this only applies to the Low-Level API and not Data API, which is specifically designed to manipulate the dataset.

  • Type: number

Sequential overlay id, heavily used in the library, calculated by DataHub. Usually you need to specify it to access stuff.


  • Type: string

Unique id that stays the same even if the overlay changes its position. Generated by DataHub.

  • Type: string

Human-readable name that will be shown in the legend. Example: APE / Tether US.


  • Type: string

Overlay type (name) that will be used for rendering the data. The library performs a lookup over prefabs in the Scripts component to find a matching script. If not found, the overlay wont be rendered.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default false

Marks the main overlay of the chart. This overlay's data will be used to calculate the grid x-positions and align other overlays. If not provided by user, will be automatically activated on the first overlay of the chart (with paneId == 0, ovId == 0). Other overlay's flags will be set to false.

  • Type: Array
  • Default: []

Timeseries data of the overlay. Must have the following format:

    [<time>, <value-1>, <value-2>, ...],
    // ...
  • <time> is a Unix timestamp (e.g. 1667580570000)
  • <value-N> can be anything: number, string, object, array or even null


  • Type: Array

A subset of the previous array, limited by the chart range. Has the same format; produced by DataHub


  • Type: Object

To produce the data subset the library creates a data view first. DataView is a reference to a data section, defined by two indices and the data source: i1, i2 and src:

// Example of `overlay.dataView`
    i1: 4148, // Start index
    i2: 4199, // End index (included)
    length: 52, // length of the section
    src: […] // Reference to ``


  • Type: Object
  • Default: {}

Props contains an information specific for this overlay. Examples: lineWidth, color, showVolume. The default values of the props are defined in the overlay script (see this example).


  • Type: Object
  • Default: {}

Overlay settings. Specifies how this overlay should be rendered.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

Flag that shows should the lib render the overlay or not. This includes calculation of a common y-range (max among all overlays on the pane).


  • Type: string
  • Default A

Assigns a new or existing scale to the overlay. Scale definitions are in pane.settings.scales.


  • Type: number

Set the precision of this overlay. It will not affect other overlays on the pane / scale. The pane precision is calculated as a max of all overlay's precisions, auto-detected or set up by this property. pane.settings.precision overwrites all these precisions.


  • Type: number
  • Default -1 for regular overlay, 0 for the main overlay

zIndex (z-index) determines an order in which overlays are rendered. The bigger the number is, the higher the overlay's layer is placed. For example, Grid layer has zIndex of -1000000, Crosshair instead, has value of 1000000.


  • Type: string | number String e.g., '1h, 15m, 1d' or number of milliseconds.

Forced time-frame of the chart (if specified for the main overlay). Overwrites the auto-detected time-frame.


  • Type: array
  • Default []

legendSettings You can send an array of objects to each overlay to add custom icons.The object should be like this:

// Example of `overlay.settings.legendSettings`
    id: "close",
    // icon must be base64 string of icon
    icon: "",
    id: "settings",
    icon: "",

To access the event of each icon, we use the "app:select-overlay" event:

js"app:select-overlay", (event) => {
      switch (event.index[2]) { // event.index[2] is the icon id
        case "settings":
        case "close":
          console.log("click other area of legend controller");

Released under the MIT License.