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Data Structure (The Top Level)

As you already know, the top level of the dataset structure looks like this (if not, what are you even doing here? Start with 10 Basic Examples:

    // Defines panes (vertical sections of the chart)
    panes: [
            // Defines overlays (layers of graphics)
            overlays: [
                    name: "", // Overlay name
                    type: "", // Overlay type
                    data: […], // Time-series: [[<time>, value, …], …]
                    settings: {}, // Overlay settings
                    props: {}, // Overlay props
                    // ...
            settings: {}, // Pane settings

In this chapter you'll find definitions of the dataset parts. (Pane object, Overlay object and their settings).

The dataset can be called a central source of the truth in the library. Both user and the library itself can change it. When the library is expected to change a value of a certain property, you will see a robot tag: . If a property can be manipulated by human, you guessed it right:

Following the notion of the Low-Level API, to change the chart state you need to:

  1. Change the dataset
  2. Call the corresponding update or several updates


The dataset is made unreactive on purpose. Modern frameworks like Vue, try to track every small part of nested objects, decreasing the overall performance. In comparison with TradingVueJS, this library has at least 30% boost due to the fact that data are not wrapped into *Proxies and not being tracked with hidden __ob__ objects.


  • Type: Array
  • Default []

List of Pane objects.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default false

Sets the index-based mode. Read more here.

Released under the MIT License.