This part of the documentation is likely to be rewritten. The API is not finalized yet.
Scripts component is an essential part of the library that make this project unique. They allow to fully reprogram the looks and functionality of the chart.
The framework called NavyJS, the file extension is .navy
. It's basically a regular JavaScript with some syntax sugar. Let's review several important features.
Added Syntax
A script can define several building blocks of the chart:
- Overlay
- Indicator script (In The Future)
- Overlay primitive (In The Future)
- Indicator library (In The Future)
- Extension (In The Future)
Each block starts with a corresponding tag:
// Navy ~ 1.0
[OVERLAY name=Custom, ctx=Canvas, author=ChartMaster, version=1.0.0]
// ...
[INDICATOR name=GodMoney version=1.1.0]
// ...
Each script can contain unlimited amount of these. A block is defined as a code starting after some tag and going until another tag or the end of the file. There could be sub-tags, splitting blocks into additional sections:
// Navy ~ 1.0
[INDICATOR name=GodMoney version=1.1.0]
// Indicator initialization
// Indicator update
// Called after all updates
Syntax Sugar
You may have noticed that the script in the 10 Basic Examples has weird function declarations:
// Like this one:
legend(x) => [
[x[1], gradient(x[1])],
['°F', 'white'],
[new Date(x[0] + _3Y).toLocaleDateString(), 'gray']
This is actually a short form of:
var legend = (x) => [
[x[1], gradient(x[1])],
['°F', 'white'],
[new Date(x[0] + _3Y).toLocaleDateString(), 'gray']
This works with curly brackets as well:
meta() => { someInfo: 123 }
// Equals to:
var meta = () => {
return {
someInfo: 123
If you need a full function declaration, just use this (no need for function
meta() {
return {
someInfo: 123
Overlay Environment
The library provides you with everything you need to build custom overlays. A context stuffed with the core elements and props is called Overlay Environment. The most important objects there are:
Collection of all core elements and even more stuff$props
Overlay props (props
field inoverlay
Events component$lib
Primitives & helper functions
We will dive deep into overlay-building in the NavyJS chapter (when you are truly ready).
What's next
If you are still reading this, you are a kind of stoic person. Even the author got bored while writing this part. Well done! But in the next chapters we are going even deeper into the weeds.